

Google Code:django-catalyst Adds chained views to Django (similar to chained actions from Catalyst) Blog:django-project-templates 0.4 Book Review: Django 1.0 Template Development django-gheat a port of gheat to a django project chouwa Djan…


Google Code:django-recommender A plugable recommender engine django-survey A simple extensible survey application for django sites Blog:Install Django, GeoDjango, PostgreSQL & PostGIS on OSX Leopard Prevent Django newcomments spam with Aki…


Django Snippets:slug filename Confirm alert if the user navigates away without saving changes Custom management command to list recent admin actions Prevent Django newcomments spam with Akismet (reloaded) Google Code:django-nav Quick simpl…


Django Snippets:Extended logging module Blog:django-autoslug 1.1.0 django-remember_me 0.1.1 django-request 0.1 django-request is a statistics module for django. 【django】adminを有効にする [django][Python]Try setting GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH in y…


Django Snippets:automating twitter Get boolean value from request send by Ajax sortby template tag Dynamically change a form select widget to a hidden widget Blog:A Django Model Manager for Soft Deleting Records and How to Customize the Dj…


Google Code:django-swingtime Scheduling and calendar app Blog:Djangoのadminをカスタマイズする方法 Transit & Trails BETA : Home 全プロジェクトの索引 Django,Python,Sphinx,Werkzeugの検索が出来ます lionet 0.3.10b Rancho 9.06 is out! Djangoのse…


Django Snippets:Ensure submitted slugs do not conflict with existing resolvable URLs Google Code:zamtools-profiles Django application for creating team member profiles. django-wikiapp A simple wiki with revision and markup support django-b…


Google Code:django-cron A Django application that will run cron jobs for other django apps django-webmail WebMail app for the Django framework django-jqgrid django utilities allowing easy handling and configuration of jqGrids. django-alfre…


Django Snippets:CodeLookupField Load local settings Django app WSGI Python fixup handler for Apache Filtering foreignkey fields in django admin compressing polygons for geodjango SortableModel - abstract model class for sortable records Bl…


Google Code:pylogs Django的blog django-blocks an easier way to build Web apps like an blog or CMS more quickly and with almost no code django-scrum A Django application to make Scrum process management trivial Blog:This week in LFS (23) dj…


Google Code:django-sync Data level synchronization for Django cnprog A Django Q&A system with community features threepress Bookworm ePub reader and other open-source publishing tools Blog: Wyszukiwanie najbliższej daty w Django / SQL Пише…


Google Code:zyons zyons is a community forum for django django-notify Django session/cookie based user notifications django-calais Integration of Django with the OpenCalais Semantic API django-google-analytics A simple django application t…


Django Snippets:MultiFormWizard Extend simplejson to understand closures, functors, generators and iterators Word-boundary-aware string truncation template filter Link TemplateTag that checks for permissions and url address Absolute URL Te…


Google Code:django-movieapp Pulls and displays IMDB information for movies read from file system django-linkcheck An app to check and report on broken internal and external links in the content of django apps django-ljsync A Django app to …


Django Snippets:Repeat Tag Google Code:django-statistics django_statistics django-geo A generic, easy-to-use location-awareness application built for use in Django projects. Blog:DB2のDjango対応は6月リリース予定 tddspry 0.3 Simple Django C…


Django Project:Django 1.1 status update Django Snippets:Dynamic tabular inlines with optional drag-n-drop sorting Execute a signal once StingListField (database field) Collapsed stacked inlines Scalable and invalidateble cache_page decorat…


Django Snippets:Pretty print SQL of query sets Python Calendar wrapper template tag if tag with method call Django Breadcrumbs Snippet jQuery slugify plugin Google Code:django-yama Generic menuing app for Django django-template-utils Libra…


Django Snippets:Split a string to a list and add to select options Google Code:appfusedjango Minimun project with nearly all you need to play with Django framework django-renderform Helpers for rendering forms in a flexible way django-impo…


Django Snippets:Widget for DateTime values on Geraldo Reports Widget for Money values on Geraldo Reports Blog:django-email-confirmation 0.1.1 Simple email confirmation for the Django web framework. django-resourcetags 1.1 Django template t…


Django Snippets:FuzzyDateTimeField PseudoFieldManager isoutc template filter DiggBarMiddleware Google Code:cnprog A Django Q&A system with community features djutils collection of django utilities geodjango-basic-apps Simple Django Apps hi…


Django Snippets:Language aware template loader Monitoring django-sphinx for Nagios Script factory for monitoring django-sphinx with NagiosGoogle Code:django-mailfriend Generic "mail this to a friend" app for Django e-texteditor Custom E-Te…


Django Snippets:get next mysql autoincrement value Google Code:django-regions Django country and regions application Blog:django-stub 0.1 A simple command line tool to streamline django project setups. Django ― vectorformats v0.1 documenta…


Google Code:soclone A Django-based Stack Overflow clone django-rangevoting range-based voting w/ ranking support Blog:django-swaps 0.5 Django-swaps is a social application that allows users of a Django site to swap anything for anything wi…


Django Snippets:Seconds-to-Duration Template Tag Google Code:django-svnlit A Subversion browser for Django django-classified-ads A classified ads application for the Django framework django-simple-captcha A very simple, yet powerful, Djang…


Django Snippets:django-noserun for testing Google Code:django-wall A social app that provides a place where logged in users can post short text items. Blog:django-tiles A simple proof-of-concept demo application for serving map tiles using…


Django Snippets:Dynamically adding forms to a formset with jQuery Google Code:linear-programming Web application for solving linear programming problems. django-reversion Version control for Django models django-eav Entity-Attribute-Value …


Django Snippets:Paginator Tag for 1.x Django Tidbits Instalando mod_wsgi, nginx y cmemcache en Ubuntu Intrepid para Django {% media %} Digg Style Pagination In Django Revisited Full text searching in Django 4 Hour Li…


Google Code:django-spambayes A collection of utility apps for using SpamBayes filtering within Django projects. Blog:Django: モデルクラスを継承したフォームクラスの値を途中で変更する方法 Djangoのサンプルソース集を集めたサイト「django snippe…


Django Snippets:Painless link to admin change view for a given object copyright_since Google Code:django-multilingual Multilingual extension for Django django-lfs A lightning fast shop for django 新しいEコマースアプリBlog:Un nouveau projet…


Django Snippets:Template range filter Google Code:django-simple-captcha A very simple, yet powerful, Django captcha application Blog:Web development companies working with Django [django][python][book] Django × Python 本を献本いただきまし…