
Google Code:

django-recommender A plugable recommender engine
django-survey A simple extensible survey application for django sites


Install Django, GeoDjango, PostgreSQL & PostGIS on OSX Leopard
Prevent Django newcomments spam with Akismet (reloaded)
Geraldo 0.3.5-alpha-3
Using dynamic themes in django
Django URL Parameter Passing and Python Strings
Django Image Uploading: Tips and Tricks
mint_django_utils A collection of utility functions, template tags and miscellany that I use for my djangos. Might only be useful to me.
Deploying your Django app on Joyent Shared Accelerators
django-agenda An event agenda application for Django 1.0+.
Spatializing your Data with PostGIS, GeoDjango & OpenLayers
django-iphone-push A Django Application that uses Python 2.5/2.6 features to contact the Apple Push Service as well as maintaining a list of iPhone objects and handling Feedback from APS
Django ORM: Neat (undocumented) trick
seymour6 Seymour is the codebase for a web based feed aggregator service.
jqDjangoGrid - plugin JQuery com Django para criar datagrids
Django, virtualenv and mod_wsgi
django-smart-selects chained and grouped selects for django forms

Google App Engine:
