Google App Engine


Blog:Emails as usernames in django - about time Brandon Konkle: Provisioning a new Ubuntu server for Django GSoC Update: My Review Board Statistics Extension Review Board Statistics Extension – Demo Time Django ― ‘NoneType’ object has no a…


Django Snippets:Facebook Authentication Backend Blog:Announcing Sore Thumb, a thumbnail and image processing module for Django [Python][Django]zipファイルを作成して返す Using Fabric For Deployment The CSRF Token is My Bitch Django Dose: Dj…


Django Snippets:{% renderonce %} template tag Django 1.2+ template loader for Jinja2 django subdomain support for both resolve and reverse. load m2m fields objects Publishing service endpoint uri to javascript Silently-failing include tag …


Django Snippets:icon shortcut - pseudohtml tag with attribute merging and variables resolving Simple Class Based View Wrapper Quiet runserver Blog:django-cms-jplayer 0.1.2 djc.recipe 0.5 django-formrenderingtools 0.1 django-queries 0.1 dja…


Django Snippets:Overwriting file storage Subclass EmailMultiAlternatives to add CC: option My approach on class based views Ajax ordering models on the change list page of the admin using drag and drop with jQuery UI Blog:djmako 0.2 django…


Django Snippets:Limit queryset to objects related to parent in ManyToMany fields within admin inlines Dynamically alter the attributes of a formset Google Code:django-queries Generic query interface for django models Blog:django-reversion …


Django Snippets:Database Routing by URL Check If a Field Has Changed Django Row Level Locking (Prevents race conditions if used correctly) FieldStack - easy form template rendering Convenient class based views Google Code:django-vcs Django…


Django Project:Django 1.2.1 released Django Snippets:Mobile Device Middleware Generating aggregate data across generic relations Detect iPhone & Switch Template via render_to_response csrf_token for mako Blog:Django 1.2 の変更のまとめ …


Django Project:Django 1.1.2 released Django 1.2 released Django 1.2.1 update Announcing DjangoCon US 2010 Django 1.2.1 -- update 2 Django Snippets:Filter by first letter inclusion tag clean validation for dynamic form fields Custom Widget …


Django Project:Django 1.2 release schedule -- final update Django Snippets:Call a manager method on any model with a filter Generic CSV export admin action factory Class Feeds DRY TemplateTag {% ifthis FOO isoneof BAR BAZ ... %} Blog:Exten…


Django Snippets:Middleware for using HttpOnly session cookie (including monkey patching for support for Python <2.6) assertQuerysetEqual CompressedTextField Cached template filters Latest instances template filter Use memcached to throttle…


Django Project:Django 1.2 release candidate available Django Snippets:URLField admin widget with View Link button Admin Save and view next button Admin Save and view next button html Improved User Admin Bitwise operator queryset filter Fak…


Django Project:Django 1.2 release schedule - Update 7 Django Snippets:Mobile browser detection middleware strip_tags like php one Vertical and Horizontal Line to geraldo report Blog:Damn foreign keys, stealing our jobs and women [Python]Dj…


Django Snippets:datetime.time/datetime.datetime to Unix Epoch (with microsecond support) Dojo Helper SSL / HTTPS Middleware for Redirection and href Rewriting Quick script to convert json data to csv Blog:RubyとPythonについて考えてみました…


Google Code:django-news-system News system for django djrecipebook レシピサイト向けCMS Blog:django-glossary 0.1.6 django-imagekit 0.3.3 delicious_links 0.5dev-r0 django-gitcms 0.3.4 django-taggit 0.4.0 Securing Django with SSL django-oauth…


Django Snippets:Smart widthratio Blog:Aino jstools django-richtemplates 0.3 eav-django 1.2.0 django-flowrepo 0.2 django-objectpermissions 0.3.1 django-simpleapi 0.0.3 djpcms 0.6 django-geoportail 0.2.3 Django 1.2 RC1 & Final Release Date. …


Blog:Adjax 1.0 django-flatblocks 0.3.5 django-oembed and Embedly Basic Django deployment with virtualenv, fabric, pip and rsync RESTful Web apps with Django, Piston and Ext JS Google App Engine:Games on App Engine: An interview with Jay Ki…


Django Project:Django 1.2 release schedule - Update 6 Django Snippets:DKIM Email Backend Blog:Pretty options for Django's auth.User Implementing a Forgot Password Feature on a Django Site [備忘録][Django]開発環境用smtpサーバとかsmtpプロキ…


Blog:Django idioms #1: de-duplicating lists Djangoでパスワード等の暗号化保存を隠蔽する Django: Major Updates Expected In Release 1.2 Adding a per-post comments feed with Django 1.0 管理画面でlist_displayにForeignKeyをそのまま渡すのはやめよ…


Django Snippets:Email queue in DB ISBN model field: displays 10- and 13-digit variants and external links Blog:django-viewtester 10.4.3 django-glossary 0.1.2 django-webtest 1.0.1 django-simpleapi 0.0.1 django-articles 1.8.1a django-gitcms …


Django Snippets:Frontend admin date picker widget immitating 'real' post_syncdb signal Partial templates, combine with and include Dynamically change admin widgets at runtime UTF-8 Katakana Easier prefix handling for forms Blog:app-engine-…


Django Project:Django 1.2 release schedule - Update 5 Django Snippets:Wrapper-function Pattern Custom Template Tag - No Translate Excel Date Blog:django-harness 1.3.0 djubby 0.1.3 django-admin-filters 0.1.2 Django: An Application To Browse…


Django Snippets:django asynchronous send mail Add httponly to session cookie Blog:djubby 0.1.1 django-socialregistration 0.3 django-pagination 1.0.6 django-easymode 0.5.5 django-appmedia 1.0.1 django-picklefield 0.1.6 huDjango 0.90 Django …


Django Snippets:plaintext filter Re-editable FormPreview Google Code:django-ajax-filtered-fields Django fields for many to many and foreign key ajax filtered relations. buffis-tracker A simple bittorrent tracker implementation in Django Bl…


Django Snippets: Custom model field to store dict object in database Blog:django-navbar 0.3.0 django-markupfield 1.0.0a2 django-lightsearch 0.4 django-weave 0.1.6.svn96 django-activity-stream 0.2 django-gitcms 0.3.1 django-countries 1.0.3 …


Django Snippets:Rollover Div Amazon S3 Enabled FileField and ImageField (with Boto) Dictionary of choices based in models Basic MySQL Syntax Blog:Practical Django Projects 2nd Ed. (Apress) - CH3 TinyMCE Problem Retiring Old Posts To Keep D…


Blog:reverseを使って関数のURLを取得する django-uwsgi-admin 0.1-alpha Where Django signals aren't enough Djangoのformでカスタムバリデーションをする方法 Towards Application Objects in Django Загрузка нескольких файлов в Django ― Multifile up…


Django Snippets:Breaking into multiple files Custom db backend for statement_timeout support (postgresql_psycopg2) dict recurse template tag for django Blog:Testejant Django amb Nose DB2がDjango 1.2に対応 django-reporter 0.1 djang…


Django Project:Django 1.2 release schedule - Update 3 Google Code:django-namespace Extending Django's security model to facilitate namespaces django-paypal-driver PayPal NVP API Express Checkout Implementation for django django-ck Guess wh…


Google Code:db-dump Database data dump and restore tool can be used in Django project djangoblog create a blog with django Blog:django-navbar 0.2.0 johnny-cache 0.2 django-static 1.3.2 django-rbac 0.9 django-nomadblog 0.3 django-keyedcache…