
Django Snippets:

Database Routing by URL
Check If a Field Has Changed
Django Row Level Locking (Prevents race conditions if used correctly)
FieldStack - easy form template rendering
Convenient class based views

Google Code:

django-vcs Django app for browsing source code repositories
django-blocks an easier way to build Web apps like an blog or CMS more quickly and with almost no code


django-reversetag 0.3.1
django-db-log 1.7.8
django-articles 2.0.1-pre1
django-webtest 1.0.4
django-emailthis 0.2.1-r21
django-easymode 0.6.1
django-account 0.1.7
Django: Django 1.2 E-commerce Review
More django-articles Updates
Peter Bengtsson: "Using MongoDB in your Django app - implications and benefits"
Horst Gutmann: International documentation for Django - An idea
Brandon Konkle: Snippet: Django Columns Filter
Djangocon.eu - Day 1
Djangocon.eu - Day 2
Djangocon.eu - Day 3
Django cronjobs
Script & Dump
Migrating data to a new db schema with Django 1.2
Django's assertRedirects little gotcha
Django LAMP
Getting Random objects from a Queryset in Django
Odds and Ends
Python and Django, trying to learn the basics.
Installing Django with PostgreSQL on Windows and Ubuntu
AJAX in Django with jQuery
“Ajax”ify Django with jQuery and JSON
JSONResponse – Working with JSON in Django, easy way.
Presentation: pip and virtualenv
RESTful Web apps with Django, Piston and Ext JS

Google App Engine:

Kay Framework で Twitter につぶやきを投稿する方法
precompileでGoogle App Engineのspin upが約2.5倍速くなる
Google App Engineを使ったシンプルなタスク管理「Flasktodo」
Google App Engine用フレームワークKayでfeed配信する方法
Google App EngineとJAVAでPDFとか
GoogleAppEngineでメールを送信しようとしたら、InvalidSenderError: Unauthorized sender
Django 1.2 Sessions on Google App Engine