Django Project:
Django 1.2 release schedule -- final update
Django Snippets:
Call a manager method on any model with a filter
Generic CSV export admin action factory
Class Feeds DRY TemplateTag
{% ifthis FOO isoneof BAR BAZ ... %}
Extending Django settings.py File
State of Things
Getting Random objects from a Queryset in Django
Django クエリを生成する部分
django-disqus 0.3.2
django-orienteer 0.1
django-brutebuster 0.1.8
huDjango 0.91p5
eav-django 1.3.1
celery 1.0.3
django-nlp 0.0.1dev
django-cms 2.1.0.beta3
django-digest 1.8
django-easymode 0.5.7
Django 1.1.2
django-mako 0.1.4pre
Djblets 0.6.2
django-db-log 1.7.5
GAE Python:date django オブジェクトで嵌る
Introducing GAETestBase
How to download souce code of your application written with kay
Now Kay Framework has GAETestBase bundled!
Google App Engine部分を担当した「Google 未来を選ぼう 衆院選2009」が東京インタラクティブ・アド・アワードで賞を取った