
Django Snippets:

{% renderonce %} template tag
Django 1.2+ template loader for Jinja2
django subdomain support for both resolve and reverse.
load m2m fields objects
Publishing service endpoint uri to javascript
Silently-failing include tag
Drag and drop ordering of admin list elements using jQuery UI
i18n Model
html5 forms
Extended cacheable callables and properties
Class-based coverage test runner
Widget for CommaSeparatedIntegerField with pre-defined choices


Django performance tips
Django 1.2 マルチ DB と master/slave レプリ
Syntax highlighting for Apache Config Files
BPStudy#34Amazon Web Service+Tornado+Django+AS3によるリアルチャットサービスの裏側」
Django: Custom Model Field Validators
Migració a postgres des de sqlite
Arecibo open source server now live
More Django CSRF Token Fun
Gracious E-Mail Bounce Handling in Django with Postmark
Mikkel Høgh: Presenting Django Password Required
Class-based views and thread safety
Localization is a bitch
Ubuntu8.04 で Django1.2.1 を使う為に色々と(1)
Ubuntu8.04 で Django1.2.1 を使う為に色々と(2)
[Linux][Ubuntu] Ubuntu8.04 で Django1.2.1 を使う為に色々と(3)
Will McGugan: Announcing Sore Thumb, a thumbnail and image processing module for Django
django-lean 0.11
django-guardian 0.1.0
django-db-log 2.0.0
django_notifications 0.1.dev
django-rosetta 0.5.5
django-jquery-widgets 0.1.1
djpcms 0.6.3
django-auth-ldap 1.0.4
django-ajax-selects 1.1.3
djmako 0.3
django-logdb 0.9.10
djc.recipe 0.5.1
django-utils 0.0.2
django-simple-news 1.0
django-zodb 0.2rc1

Google App Engine:

Datastore Outage and Unapplied Writes Issue
Proc を使って AppEngine の JRuby でセーフレベルを変更する
グーグル、Google App Engineの利用拡大に追いつけていないと告白
純国産の給与OSS「MosP給与計算」、Google App Engine上に展開可能に
Googleから「App Engine applications you own affected by unapplied writes」ってメールがきた
Taskqueues in App Engine
App Engine User handling on Django Nonrel
Maybe defecting back to Google's AppEngine Django Helper
Google App Engine(Python)でKay-Frameworkを使い、メールを受信する
Kay Framework で Model を JSON に変換する方法
Google App EngineでGoogle Apps用OpenID