
Google Code:

django-cron A Django application that will run cron jobs for other django apps
django-webmail WebMail app for the Django framework
django-jqgrid django utilities allowing easy handling and configuration of jqGrids.
django-alfresco Django Alfresco Integration
agilito Simple, web-based Agile / Scrum project management tool built in Django
django-localeurl A Django application that allow you to specify the language of a page in the URL.
appfusedjango Django how-to with examples
django-reversion Version control for Django models
troggle content management system for cave exploration
django-granular-permissions Django Granular Permissions allow you to setup per-row permissions.
django-satchmo-tuning Tuning satchmo project for wholesale store
django-cdbforms Custom DB-stored forms application for Django
genmap the source code for gentoo-users.org
django-date-paginator Django Date Paginator
django-url-framework Automagic url discovery for django (like in Ruby on Rails)


Dynamic select fields with JQuery and django
malaysiacrime Mapping Crime in Malaysia
django-flag flagging of inapproriate/spam content
Django ManyToMany Recursion using Intermediary Tables
Django and multiple methods per url pattern
New tutorial - Building a search engine with Appengine and Yahoo
Bog-stupid Ajax round trips with Prototype and Django
generate thumbnails in django with PIL
django-twitterauth Use Twitter for authentication in Django
Django + jQuery
Django Yaba Project
pinax-holidayhouse-demo A sample Pinax project with super easy frontend administration.
django-cloudfiles An app for interfacing with Mosso's CloudFiles service.
Optgroups with Django's forms module
Pygowave Server :: Google Wave Clone
Seamlessly switch off (and on) a Django (or other WSGI) site for upgrades
Simple Django