
Google Code:

django-blocks an easier way to build Web apps like an blog or CMS more quickly and with almost no code
django-dataforms Dynamic, database-driven Django forms
django-planning Booking and planning management
django-calloway A calendaring application for django
django-notify Django session/cookie based user notifications
django-simple-news A simple news app for django


django-csvlog += django-debug-tolbar. Кто кого перехачит?
Обновления csvlog
Tight integration of django basic authentication and openid
Django: Render A XML File
Django y las Bases de Datos
Django: Get Request Obj In Template Tag
Django Flatpages - Debug False ?! uatarelis? Parte 01
Django Flatpages - Debug False ?! uatarelis? Parte 02
Eine bessere settings.py
Attractive Charts with Open Flash Charts and Django
django-saas-kit Sample django app for subscription based web service
Django Forms - Renato Garcia Pedigoni - Django
django-rest-model This module provides Python-style access classes to a a rest service
Marco Fucci Djangoで出来てます
SOBARCOの開発メモ: Djangoで携帯サイト向けサイトを作るためにuamobileを使う
twisted-wsgi-django How to run Django on the latest Twisted web WSGI functionality
Django Design Patterns
Problem with Django ‘Log out’ link in Admin admin.site.root_path = ‘/admin/’
Usefull tips to start a new project with Django
django-lightsearch A modest searching application for Django.
Multiple websites in the same Django project

Google App Engine:

gae-search full-text search on App Engine