
Google Code:

pylogs Django的blog
django-blocks an easier way to build Web apps like an blog or CMS more quickly and with almost no code
django-scrum A Django application to make Scrum process management trivial


This week in LFS (23)
django-attachments 0.2.5 A generic Django application to attach Files (Attachments) to any model
pyApexExplorer 1.0.1 pyApexExplorer is a Django App that provides SalesForce Users with the ability to view and manager their SalesForce Objects.
ImageField not validating in Django ModelForm
StaticMap: A Google Maps API Wrapper

List of Django Multilingual Model Solutions
Django Permission System « muhuk.com
Snowy, Your Tomboy Notes Online Snowy is a web application for synchronizing, viewing, sharing, and editing your Tomboy notes online

djapp Djapp.org is the catalog of django applications.
Getting Django working on bluehost
Django-flash ― Rails-like flash scope support for Django ― Django-flash v1.4.2 documentation
Notes on using pip and virtualenv with Django
Using pdb, the Python Debugger (Django Debugging Series, Part 3)
How Django Works
django-fixmystreet A django port of MySociety's FixMyStreet, maintained by VisibleGovernment.ca
django-storages Support for many storages (S3, MogileFS, etc) in Django.