
Django Snippets:

Pretty print SQL of query sets
Python Calendar wrapper template tag
if tag with method call
Django Breadcrumbs Snippet
jQuery slugify plugin

Google Code:

django-yama Generic menuing app for Django
django-template-utils Library of template utilities for Django
django-rest-interface A generic REST interface for Django
django-sprites Django Sprites makes CSS Sprites Easy!


EuroDjangoCon Talk
Django Hack-a-thon 8に参加させていただいてきた(2)
django-flashpolicies 0.1 Flash cross-domain policies for Django sites
Aeracode :: EuroDjangoCon Slides
Easily Code Templates for iPhone in Django
djangopeople.net on GitHub
Cleaning up with JSON and SQL in Django
django-filter A generic system for filtering Django QuerySets based on user selections
YUI Rich Text Editor in Django Admin
Django Template Language in CSS
Limiting HTTP requests with Django
Step by Step Guide to use Sign in with Twitter with Django
Deutsches Übersetzungsprojekt für die offzielle Django-Dokumentation
Wie konvertiert man die deutschen Django-Docs nach HTML?
django-newsletter A basic, reusable newsletter subscription (opt-in/out) application.
Caching and signals
Scaling Django Web Apps PDFファイルです
django-caching Some examples of transparently caching things in Django.
django-multidb Simple exmample of using Django to work with multiple databases
Django Heresies
Customizing the Django Admin
The Web map stack on Django
django-reversetag A new, improved (and renamed) implementation of Django's 'url' template tag
Djikiki Test Install - Main Djikiki is a Django based wiki

Google App Engine:

[Python] Google App Engine に挑戦しようと思たが、目下、挫折中である
GAE/J でDataStoreのよくわからない挙動に遭遇
Google App Engine のDataStoreからUserでフィルタリングしてデータを取得する方法
[IDEA] Google App Engine Integration
Google app engineで二番煎じだけどtropyもどき作ってみました
Rails on GAE/Jを試してみたときの過程メモ
Google App Engine 対応 の Twitter4J 2.0.1 リリース