
Django Snippets:

Dynamically adding forms to a formset with jQuery

Google Code:

linear-programming Web application for solving linear programming problems.
django-reversion Version control for Django models
django-eav Entity-Attribute-Value implementation for Django


Nuevo sitio web para django-thumbs
Klezio(Beta) - Semantic News Aggregation Portal - News for News ! Djangoでできてます
WSGI middleware is awesome, and Django should use it more
django-wtform an extension to the django newforms library allowing the developer
Add an auto-count field to your ForeignKey model
Py25-django version 1.0.2 - How to Download and Install on Mac OS X
Django CherryPy Development Server and Serving Static Files
django-denorm Denormalization magic for Django
Adding Tagging to Django 1.0 Views and Templates
Interactive Django shell in Eclipse/PyDev interactive console
django-cas-consumer A consumer for the Central Authentication Service. Meant to be used with django-cas-provider.
Installing Memcached for Django Application on Windows XP
Django Example: FileField and ImageField
This Week in Django | Links | Django-shapes
Pydra Python Clustering Pydra is built with the open source frameworks Twisted Python and Django.
blue-channel A content management system developed in Django, jQuery and 960
django-event-ajaxian-calendar A simple to use event calendar with ajax abilites and facebox event displaying.
django-shapes Upload and export shapefiles using GeoDjango.

Google App Engine:

[試行中]Google App EngineでもXPathを使いたい!