
Django Snippets:

Widget for DateTime values on Geraldo Reports
Widget for Money values on Geraldo Reports


django-email-confirmation 0.1.1 Simple email confirmation for the Django web framework.
django-resourcetags 1.1 Django template tags for referencing static files
Simple email confirmation for the Django web framework.
django-genshi 1.1.3 Django integration for Genshi
django-media-bundler 0.3 Django application that bundles your Javascript/CSS, and sprites your icons.
Django的Ajax Debug方案 import traceback
Improving GZipMiddleware in Django
Installing GeoDjango with PostgreSQL and zc.buildout
Serve Django on Gentoo with lighttpd
Давайте просто поищем!
[python][wsgi]nullpobug勉強会04 "wsgiってなに"
wordbreak filter
Django Microformats

Users and the admin
kikola 0.4 Kikola is collection of Django's custom form fields and widgets, model fields and reusable apps.
Django Quick Tips #2: Image Thumbnails
Monjo - a modest monitoring solution written in Python and Django
django-versionedcache Yet another cache backend for django. This one includes: memcache, mintcache and automatic key versioning for gracefull upgrades.
django-addressbook Contact management application for the Django web development framework.

Google App Engine:

[Google App Engine]GAE/Jのcronはドキュメント通りだと動かないぽい
A suggested alternative approach to using the App Engine data store in Java
Google App Engine で wicket-auth-roles を使う方法
Google App Engine for JavaはShift_JISだとなぜかうまくいく
[Java] Google App Engine で Thread#setContextClassLoader を使う
[Google App Engine]google app engine の無料部分
JRuby on Rails を GAE/J 上へデプロイ