
Google Code:

django-movieapp Pulls and displays IMDB information for movies read from file system
django-linkcheck An app to check and report on broken internal and external links in the content of django apps
django-ljsync A Django app to synchronize LiveJournal blogs with Django database
django-plus A set of tools that adds power to your Django environment
django-photologue A customizable plug-in photo management application for the Django web framework.


Django UnicodeEncodeError com upload usando WSGI
Dominik Szopa: Autoryzacja przez clickpass kontra rpx
django-attachments 0.2.4
django-html A way of rendering django.forms widgets that differentiates between HTML and XHTML.
django-secretballot 0.2.0 Django anonymous voting application
GDAL/OGR Binaries
Сага о моём Vim (Python+Django+[X]HTML+CSS)
django-project-template Alternative Django project template with focus on standalone applications and best practices
zsh-completion-django zsh completion for Django commands.
django-ctrl An implementation of Controllers for Django
django-fixmystreet A django port of MySociety's FixMyStreet, maintained by VisibleGovernment.ca
Custom Template Filters: Manipulating The Results
django-mailer mail queuing and management for the Django web framework

Google App Engine:

クラウド時代のRIA構築入門(1) 〜Google App Engine for JavaとCurlの連携〜
ベイテックなど、Google Appsを使って無料勤怠管理サービスを開始
Google App EngineにFlashやらHTMLファイルを置いてみた