

[Python]Python Hack-a-thon #2の予定
Django, PostgreSQL, and Transaction Management
Django, PostgreSQL, and Autocommit
render :partial in Django
zsh-completion-django zsh completion for Django commands.
django-wmd-editor Pluggable wmd editor wrapper for django apps
GeoDjango Installation
django-activity-stream This is a reusable Django application with which you can log activities your users are making and displaying a stream similar to the activity stream in facebook.
Django and JSON-RPC
Automatical superuser creation with Django
devdays Example code from my talk at Stack Overflow DevDays Amsterdam 2009.
djoosh Extensible pure-python fulltext indexing for Django models using whoosh
jogging Easier Django logging!
Using Django-MPTT: lessons learned…
django-attachments A generic Django application to attach Files (Attachments) to any model.
django-db-app-engine A Django database backend supporting app engine which can be directly cloned into a project.
practical-django-projects Source code for the second edition of "Practical Django Projects", published by Apress.
workflow A lightweight workflow engine application for Django based web-applications
Unriddling the Django user profile
Django Signals: The Rules
Django: disabling actions site-wide


Google Code:

evennia An innovative MUD server based on Python and Twisted + Django.
uml-to-django Fully automated conversion from UML class diagram into a Django admin interface.
django-tagging-autocomplete jquery-autocomplete widget for django-tagging


django-http-proxy 0.1 A simple HTTP proxy for the Django framework.
django-avatar 1.0.3
django-autoslug 1.3.3
django-memcache-status 1.0.1
cmsplugin-news 0.1a5
django-cms 2.0.0.RC2
Large Problems in Django, Mostly Solved: Database Migrations
Towards a Better Template Tag Definition Syntax
The Django community in 2009
django-templatetag-sugar This project exists to make defining template tags in Django kickass
django-elsewhere Edit and display links to your online social network profiles.
django-diffield Django model field that stores self change history in database.
Development Utilities for Django
django-points API for tagging any model with django.contrib.gis.db.models.PointField(s)
django-oopviews django-oopviews provides a simple way to have some object orientation in Django's view layer
Django training and 'Last page visited' middleware
jqDjangoGrid - plugin JQuery com Django para criar datagrids
django-wireframes A simple tool/framework to create wireframes in Javascript/CSS
Pre-populate Django ModelForm with Specific Queryset
Building a mobile site and applications with Django and Python
Documentation about how to write and maintain a Django reusable app.
Django and JQuery: Integrating Django and JQuery Autocomplete plugin
mediatr Media engine app for Django framework. May be used for photoblog, podcast or other file/media related sharing.
django-contrib-messages Branch of django-trunk for the addition of a 'messages' contrib app.
django-templatesadmin A Django app to make minor changes to your templates on the fly.

Google App Engine:

gaebar Google App Engine Backup and Restore
gaebar-aep Functional tests for Gaebar running on app-engine-patch-based Django app.


Django Snippets:

Use git log to give your app a revision


Django recipe: Dynamically load a Google Maps API key
Django 作業メモ:django に静的ファイルを読ませるのに嵌る
social-commerce 0.0.5a Django project template using pinax and satchmo
django-photo-albums 0.20.7
django-generic-images 0.35.6
django-inactive_user_workflow 0.1b tools to let inactive users log in to your site with limited access after registration until they confirm their account
django-yaba 0.2.7
django-yandex-maps 0.1
django-account 0.1.1
django-staticblocks 0.2
pybb 0.1.1
django-plist 0.4
Mastering Django (part 1)
[メモ][Django]テスト メール送信のテスト
Django ORM: effective query use
Django: How to make a variable available in all templates
Django – Django-youtube-syncronizer
Using PIL with Django
Recovery.gov Augmented Reality Mashup
Tornado Web framework in production with django and nginx
User authentication in Django, PyAMF and Flex3
Non-standard ORM, Part I
Reduzindo a quantidade de acessos ao banco de dados no Django
Django tip: Showing <optgroup>s in a ModelForm
ROS/mturk - Wiki
django-uploadify Django integration of Uploadify jQuery plugin
Profiling Django object size and memory usage with Pympler

Google App Engine:

Google Analytics API on App Engine Treemap Visualization
女神転生 SJ の逆引き合体
Google App Engine for Java(GAE/J)でユーザ認証をフィルタに任せる
Google App Engine for Java(GAE/J)では、web.xml内で日本語のコメントは書けない
[git][python] git と GAE の練習


Google Code:

django-adminordering A means to order Django model objects in the admin by Ryan Kaskel


Djapian 2.3
rpc4django 0.1.5
ReviewBoard 1.0.4
Djblets 0.5.4
History of Django's popularity
Initialize Django Tests
Nginx and Django
Build a simple GIS web application using GeoDjango and Google Maps ― Tutorials
Using jquery’s autocomplete in django admin: how about inlines?


Django Snippets:

Wrappable text


Using Zoho remote API to edit office documents in a Django app
local_settings.py Considered Harmful
django guys let us understand python *args and **kwargs
django-s5 A Django reusable application for presentations powered by S5.
Fotos de Soho v0.2
Primeros pasos con geodjango
django-correx A set of models and template tags for pulling in lists of content changes across applications.
Learning django framework

Google App Engine:

Build a Voice App in the Cloud and Enter the Twilio + App Engine Developer Contest
Google App Engine + Python で Twitter Bot を作成しました。


Django Snippets:

split form
Django view and url in one function

Google Code:

mobilesniffer Generic mobile handset sniffing framework for Python


django-vz-wiki 0.1.3
django-vz-testmaker 0.1
Implementing Web-based master data management for Firebird in #Django #Python
Finding the child for an inheritable Django model
Jinja2 and django-registration
Initialize Django Tests
Install Motion | TypePad Developer Resources Motion is an open source program written in Python using the Django framework.
django-shapes 0.1.0 Upload and export shapefiles using GeoDjango.
Sessions im Cache halten
Django Fixtures
django-conference A complete conference management system based on Python/Django.
djangoscraper Django Scrapy App
Django IA: Registration-Activation
Tweaking URLconf (2 named URLs, 1 view)

Google App Engine:

GAE Python で Task Queue
[Java][GAE/J] JDOクエリで例外とその対応
[programing][google app engine] 意味不明!Macだけ?Google App Engineでアプリケーションのルートディレクトリ以外に存在するローカルファイルをアップロードできない。
Non-sharded counters, part 2: using task queue


Django Snippets:

django on tornado

Google Code:

django-twittervoice A Simple Twitter account aggregator Django application


Using jquery’s autocomplete in django admin: how about inlines?
GeoDjango and the UK postcode database
django-bitly 0.4
django-remix 0.1.1
Context in django views, DRY, reusable apps
Tweaking URLconf (2 named URLs, 1 view)
How we built A Feed Apart (using Django, Twitter, and Flickr)

Google App Engine:

Curl+JRuby+Google App EngineでTwitter風アプリを作る 〜GAE編〜
[programing][google app engine][python]Ubuntu 9.04でGoogle App Engineを使う