
Django Snippets:

split form
Django view and url in one function

Google Code:

mobilesniffer Generic mobile handset sniffing framework for Python


django-vz-wiki 0.1.3
django-vz-testmaker 0.1
Implementing Web-based master data management for Firebird in #Django #Python
Finding the child for an inheritable Django model
Jinja2 and django-registration
Initialize Django Tests
Install Motion | TypePad Developer Resources Motion is an open source program written in Python using the Django framework.
django-shapes 0.1.0 Upload and export shapefiles using GeoDjango.
Sessions im Cache halten
Django Fixtures
django-conference A complete conference management system based on Python/Django.
djangoscraper Django Scrapy App
Django IA: Registration-Activation
Tweaking URLconf (2 named URLs, 1 view)

Google App Engine:

GAE Python で Task Queue
[Java][GAE/J] JDOクエリで例外とその対応
[programing][google app engine] 意味不明!Macだけ?Google App Engineでアプリケーションのルートディレクトリ以外に存在するローカルファイルをアップロードできない。
Non-sharded counters, part 2: using task queue