

[Python]Python Hack-a-thon #2の予定
Django, PostgreSQL, and Transaction Management
Django, PostgreSQL, and Autocommit
render :partial in Django
zsh-completion-django zsh completion for Django commands.
django-wmd-editor Pluggable wmd editor wrapper for django apps
GeoDjango Installation
django-activity-stream This is a reusable Django application with which you can log activities your users are making and displaying a stream similar to the activity stream in facebook.
Django and JSON-RPC
Automatical superuser creation with Django
devdays Example code from my talk at Stack Overflow DevDays Amsterdam 2009.
djoosh Extensible pure-python fulltext indexing for Django models using whoosh
jogging Easier Django logging!
Using Django-MPTT: lessons learned…
django-attachments A generic Django application to attach Files (Attachments) to any model.
django-db-app-engine A Django database backend supporting app engine which can be directly cloned into a project.
practical-django-projects Source code for the second edition of "Practical Django Projects", published by Apress.
workflow A lightweight workflow engine application for Django based web-applications
Unriddling the Django user profile
Django Signals: The Rules
Django: disabling actions site-wide