
Google Code:

evennia An innovative MUD server based on Python and Twisted + Django.
uml-to-django Fully automated conversion from UML class diagram into a Django admin interface.
django-tagging-autocomplete jquery-autocomplete widget for django-tagging


django-http-proxy 0.1 A simple HTTP proxy for the Django framework.
django-avatar 1.0.3
django-autoslug 1.3.3
django-memcache-status 1.0.1
cmsplugin-news 0.1a5
django-cms 2.0.0.RC2
Large Problems in Django, Mostly Solved: Database Migrations
Towards a Better Template Tag Definition Syntax
The Django community in 2009
django-templatetag-sugar This project exists to make defining template tags in Django kickass
django-elsewhere Edit and display links to your online social network profiles.
django-diffield Django model field that stores self change history in database.
Development Utilities for Django
django-points API for tagging any model with django.contrib.gis.db.models.PointField(s)
django-oopviews django-oopviews provides a simple way to have some object orientation in Django's view layer
Django training and 'Last page visited' middleware
jqDjangoGrid - plugin JQuery com Django para criar datagrids
django-wireframes A simple tool/framework to create wireframes in Javascript/CSS
Pre-populate Django ModelForm with Specific Queryset
Building a mobile site and applications with Django and Python
Documentation about how to write and maintain a Django reusable app.
Django and JQuery: Integrating Django and JQuery Autocomplete plugin
mediatr Media engine app for Django framework. May be used for photoblog, podcast or other file/media related sharing.
django-contrib-messages Branch of django-trunk for the addition of a 'messages' contrib app.
django-templatesadmin A Django app to make minor changes to your templates on the fly.

Google App Engine:

gaebar Google App Engine Backup and Restore
gaebar-aep Functional tests for Gaebar running on app-engine-patch-based Django app.