

Custom JOINs with Django’s query.join()
Django Dose Community Catchup - Episode #2: 09/30/2009
ManyToMany relations in Django.
Python-piwik Access to Piwik API in Python + django app
Exoweb: JSON response in Django views with jQuery
Django Settings Flavours
DjanMon Demo showing how to use MongoDB with PyMongo from a Django project
django-json-rpc Simple Reference JSON-RPC Implementation for Django
feincms A Django-based CMS with a focus on extensibility and concise code
django-geotagging Generic geotagging app built on GeoDjango
django-perfect404 Easy to install perfect 404 page, based on A List Apart's article.
Django-Socialauth Allows logging via Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail, Twitter and Openid
django-html A way of rendering django.forms widgets that differentiates between HTML and XHTML.
django-cairo-text Django re-usable app for rendering text as images using Cairo
StepInside.org - Trac blog, poll, flickrbrowser
django-honeypot 0.2.0
django-video A simple Video Streaming application for Django.


Message™ - By Medium
Djangocon 2009 Slides
Django+Eclipse with Code Complete Screencast
Write your own ReStructuredText-Writer
Django template convenience functions
DISTINCT ON with Django' ORM
Generating Javascript Widgets with reversed URL endpoints in Django
hurricane Hurricane is a project for easily creating Comet web applications.
Django Ajax Response
Django Custom Model Field With Custom Admin Widget
extdirect.django Ext.Direct implementation for Django
The definitive guide to Django: Web ... - Google Livros
Pro Django - Google Livros
Brandon Konkle | Ajax Django Comments With jQuery
Screencast: Installing Pinax on Windows


Google Code:

django-ck Guess what ? Integrate CKeditor with Django!
django-jqchat A django chat client using jQuery
django-press Wordpress reinvented in django
uml-to-django Fully automated conversion from UML class diagram into a Django admin interface.


Request for Comments: Auto-Installation of Apps in Django
django-plus 1.1.30-stable
sorl-thumbnail 3.2.3
django-notify 1.0.1
django-roa 1.4
Django works Windows Server 2008

Custom Signals for Uncoupled Design
Django Test Utils v0.2 documentation
django-samaritan A simple way to ensure that your Django applications can support user models other than django.contrib.auth.models.User
Setting up Django and PyAMF to use Python models objects in Flex using RemoteObject
ratelimitcache A memcached backed rate limiting decorator for Django.
Deploying your Django app on Joyent Shared Accelerators
hurricane Hurricane is a project for easily creating Comet web applications.
[tutorial]How to: Django, Comet, Orbited, Stomp, MorbidQ, js.io
DjangoStack - fácil para o iniciante aprender Django
django-wakawaka A simple wiki app written in Python using the Django framework.
Subclassed: Django 1.1 help file CHM version
django-bitly A Django app that manages bit.ly links to local objects.
django-flashcookie django application provide rails-like flash messages to Django framework.
Django, Nginx + Memcached 
Using Python str, datetime, lists and sets to group dates
django-config A simple way to manage profile based settings in django
Using Django-MPTT: lessons learned…
Using Django Inside the Tornado Web Server
django-nomadblog 0.1.1
django-coat 0.3.1


Django Snippets:

Fix duplicate first page of paginated results
Save a model using an arbitrary db connection


rpc4django 0.1.4
django-scraper 0.1dev Django Scraper app integrates scrapy and django to allow task based scraping.
django-timezones 0.1.4
django-encrypt 0.1 A quick way to encrypt python objects and store
Django on Windows ― Setting PATH Environment Variable
Le temps des releases : Django-sekh

  • django-sekh Highlight the keywords of a page if a visitor is coming form a search engine.

Primeros pasos con geodjango

Google App Engine:

Kay で pyjamas を使う
Using pyjamas on Kay
gaeo 0.3
geomodel 0.2.0


Django Snippets:

Improved Pickled Object Field

Google Code:

inhouse-web Web based time recording and management application


django-disqus 0.2
This week in LFS (34)
Fulltext search in SQLite and Django app
Django and WSGI deployment on Solaris
Django Brochure Websites
Django OpenID
Django Development in VirtualBox
djangostackinfo.png (PNG Image, 1024x429 pixels)
django-googlemap: Demo online

Google App Engine:

[Java][Google App Engine] GAEでもGoogle GuiceのAOPは使えます。
[技術]Google App Engineのインデックスは自動で作成される。作成中のクエリはエラーになる。


Django Snippets:

location context_processor
match filter

Google Code:

dajaxproject Easy to use ajax library for django
django-email-extras PGP encrypted and multipart emails using the Django templating system


django-autoslug 1.1.2
Django recipe: Use extent of a queryset to set the zoom
Even Faster Django Unit Tests
Ubuntuでのmount cifsの場合。sqlite3が正常に動作しない。
Фильтрация выпадающих списков
Advanced Caching with Django and Beaker


Django Snippets:

superSearch function for generating large OR queries

Google Code:

django-forms-builder Allow Django Admin users to create their own forms


[Python][Django][備忘録] テーブル名を変更する
Django と JQuery でフォームの処理
Inlines support for Django generic views

svndjango 0.3
FeinCMS 1.0 Django-based Page CMS and CMS building toolkit.
DjangoCon Schedule
Making a Movable Django Project
Stored Procedures in Django
django-sociable Django app that makes it easy to make links to various social bookmarking sites.
Build a simple GIS web application using GeoDjango and Google Maps
django-tel telephone URL support for Django
Extending the Django Admin Interface

Google App Engine:

mixiアプリで "hello, world" してみた
GAE/Python で Twitter bot を作る(準備編)