

Custom JOINs with Django’s query.join()
Django Dose Community Catchup - Episode #2: 09/30/2009
ManyToMany relations in Django.
Python-piwik Access to Piwik API in Python + django app
Exoweb: JSON response in Django views with jQuery
Django Settings Flavours
DjanMon Demo showing how to use MongoDB with PyMongo from a Django project
django-json-rpc Simple Reference JSON-RPC Implementation for Django
feincms A Django-based CMS with a focus on extensibility and concise code
django-geotagging Generic geotagging app built on GeoDjango
django-perfect404 Easy to install perfect 404 page, based on A List Apart's article.
Django-Socialauth Allows logging via Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail, Twitter and Openid
django-html A way of rendering django.forms widgets that differentiates between HTML and XHTML.
django-cairo-text Django re-usable app for rendering text as images using Cairo
StepInside.org - Trac blog, poll, flickrbrowser
django-honeypot 0.2.0
django-video A simple Video Streaming application for Django.