
Django Snippets:

Use git log to give your app a revision


Django recipe: Dynamically load a Google Maps API key
Django 作業メモ:django に静的ファイルを読ませるのに嵌る
social-commerce 0.0.5a Django project template using pinax and satchmo
django-photo-albums 0.20.7
django-generic-images 0.35.6
django-inactive_user_workflow 0.1b tools to let inactive users log in to your site with limited access after registration until they confirm their account
django-yaba 0.2.7
django-yandex-maps 0.1
django-account 0.1.1
django-staticblocks 0.2
pybb 0.1.1
django-plist 0.4
Mastering Django (part 1)
[メモ][Django]テスト メール送信のテスト
Django ORM: effective query use
Django: How to make a variable available in all templates
Django – Django-youtube-syncronizer
Using PIL with Django
Recovery.gov Augmented Reality Mashup
Tornado Web framework in production with django and nginx
User authentication in Django, PyAMF and Flex3
Non-standard ORM, Part I
Reduzindo a quantidade de acessos ao banco de dados no Django
Django tip: Showing <optgroup>s in a ModelForm
ROS/mturk - Wiki
django-uploadify Django integration of Uploadify jQuery plugin
Profiling Django object size and memory usage with Pympler

Google App Engine:

Google Analytics API on App Engine Treemap Visualization
女神転生 SJ の逆引き合体
Google App Engine for Java(GAE/J)でユーザ認証をフィルタに任せる
Google App Engine for Java(GAE/J)では、web.xml内で日本語のコメントは書けない
[git][python] git と GAE の練習