
Django Snippets:

jstree in change_list for mptt models
TaggedManager and TaggedQuerySet with chainable tagged() methods implemented with django-tagging
Type checking templatetag filters
Yet Another Image Resizer

Google Code:

map-of-innovations RSS aggregator written in python, using django.
django-ruadmin Hacks for creating a bit more user-friendly Russian django admin interface


Django and GRASS
Django Pony: A Retrospective
How to Store Arbitrary Data in a Django Model
Scaling Django
frePPLe - a FreE Production Planning Library
django-currencies 0.2
django-addons 0.2
django-autoslug 1.3.9
django-plus 1.1.53-stable
django-rosetta 0.5.3
django-generic-flatblocks 0.9
BPStudy#30 Django vs Rails
Integração entre Django e ExtJs
5 reasons why to use Django
Speeding up Django tests using a RAM-bound MySQL server
Create a Simple App with Django and MongoDB: Part 1
ai-stager A Django powered staging platform for displaying design compositions to clients in a structured manner using an outlined view with project resources.
django-zodb Using Django and ZODB together
django-elves Easy, automatically generated CSS sprites for django
simplebtt Simple BitTorrent Tracker (simplebtt) based on django
Requiring https for certain paths in Django
Python virtualenv quickstart with Django
request.POST get multiple values
Connect/Disconnect django signals
Test Driven Development - The Django Way
Делим на страницы / Django Framework / Хабрахабр

Google App Engine:

どんぐりでもできる Eclipse3.5 Google App Engine for Java(GAE/J) 1.3.1 Slim3 Datastoreの環境構築
最近のApp Engineの英語MLは量が多すぎて読めねぇとお嘆きの貴兄に
Kay Framework Dev lounge #2
where-do-you-go Visualize your Foursquare check-ins as a heat map and share the places you go!