
Django Snippets:

jQuery Double Click Edit ManyToMany in Admin
Anticollate? Disinterleave?
showing environment variables in the django admin
Updated Filter to resize a ImageField on demand (ver.2)
decorators for creating paramaterized decorators and easy monkeypatching
Amazon product-data interface class for Django-friendly PyAWS queries


Django History Tables

Django-mptt: Tree Storage in Django: A Brief Overview
pbandj 1.1.0
django-plus 1.1.49-stable
django-static 1.3
django-logdb 0.9.6
django-templatequery 0.3.0
django-simple-captcha 0.1.4
django-rosetta 0.5.2
django-treemenus 0.8.6
lfc-blog 1.0a3
lfc-theme 1.0a3
django-lfc 1.0a3
Install Python and Django on Windows
django_slideshare: add presentations to your django site
Use the Django Extensions
First steps towards a Query backend interface
Pinax cheat sheets
Using fabric to deploy a Pinax project
Using Geocoders with GeoDjango
Django dynamic template paths
Django and mysql names

Google App Engine:

【特集】Google App Engineで開発するためのフレームワーク × 16 + α
Google App Engine Launcherの起動エラー
Google App Engineで長い処理をタスクキュー使って実行
エンティティを2つに分けます - How BuddyPoke Scales on Facebook Using Google App Engine
Javaプログラマの為のGAE/Py bulkloader - bulkloader設定 -
wedata を .ini に変換するサービスを GAE で作り直した