
Django Project:

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django-compressor Django application that automates compressing/regouping/compiling of any kind of template content.


django-project-template-loader 0.1 An app to provide a template loader which pulls templates from [project_dir]/templates
django-vcexport 0.5.1
django-treemenus 0.8
What's coming in Django 1.2 (presentation notes)
jquery-markedit a jQuery branch/re-write of WMD Editor - Django Integration
django-userskins A pluggable Django app for allowing users to pick among a variety of skins for webapps.
syndication-view Django feeds as a class based views.
hotdot Create realtime webapps using Django + Orbited + Twisted
Welcome to django-portlets’s documentation! ― django-portlets v0.3.2 documentation

Google App Engine:

Google App Engine for Java で CRUD
appengine java night #3が終わりました