
Django Snippets:

DebugFooter middleware for django 1.0 and higher
tag: render form field
Accordion changelist admin

Google Code:

django-tagging-autocomplete jquery-autocomplete widget for django-tagging
django-generate-views Extend generic views on Django
django-excel-templates Django to Excel Format Generator
django-webdeveloper-portfolio A Django portfolio site for web developers with CMS, blog and portfolio


Django for a Rails Developer
Discriminator models
django-redis-cache A Redis cache backend for Django
Customize Motion | TypePad Developer Resources
Per-item, per-user permissions in Django
Django template filter: Show list of objects as table with fixed number of columns
Django Batch Select
djangode Utilities functions for node.js that borrow some useful concepts from Django
Inline editing with Jquery, Jeditable and django
Build a Twitter Web application
django-perfect404 Easy to install perfect 404 page, based on A List Apart's article.
django-taskforce django-taskforce implements a job server for Django apps. It lets you execute long-running tasks asynchronously in a separate process.
Djangocon X-Sendfile Lightning Talk
django-yslow This Django utility adds management commands to generate YSlow-compatible optimized builds
django-secretballot A generic django voting application that allows voting without a logged in user
django-bitly A Django app that manages bit.ly links to local objects.
Unriddling the Django user profile
django-workflow A lightweight workflow engine application for Django based web-applications
Dojo Datagrid with editable cells in django
django-design-patterns Commonly occuring design patterns in Django

Google App Engine:

Google App Engine for Java + BlazeDSでハマらない方法 〜Flex/AIRハマり帳(後編)〜