
Django Snippets:

safe(r) monkeypatching scheme for django testing
reorder apps in admin index

Google Code:

django-pyodbc MS SQL Server Django DB backend using pyodbc
cleardjango Clear Django - building websites with Django


Gahhh!! Django, virtualenv, and cx_Oracle
Haystack 1.0.0-rc1
Correct way to handle default model fields.
django-staticfiles 0.2.0
django-http-proxy 0.2.2
django-dowser 0.1 Django fork of an amazing memory leaks tracking application - the dowser
django-form-utils 0.1.6
django-adminfiles 0.3.1
django-lockdown 0.1.1
django-markitup 0.5.2
dojango 0.4.6
django-subs 0.1.0
django-vcexport 0.4
django-hierarchy 0.2.3
django-retracer 0.2
django-attention 0.1
typepad 1.1
typepadapp 1.1
typepad-motion 1.1
typepadapp-moderation 1.0.1
Web Console and Browser Added to django-json-rpc
django-blogdor Yet another blog app for Django
Node and Djangode Follow-Up
Django Documentation iPhone App
the story so far..
thread locals and user object in django
Mi primer Código en Python
Look at What They’ve Done with Django! 20 Creative Websites Running Django:
Ajax inline forms outside of contrib.admin
Writing your own template loaders

Google App Engine:

Google App Engine for Java + BlazeDSでハマらない方法 〜Flex/AIRハマり帳(前編)〜
iTextをGoogle App Engineから利用できるiText-gaeを公開しました
Slim3 Datastore を日本語に訳してみた