
Google Code:

openvolunteer Web application based on Django to manage volunteers in event organization
scalereg The SCALE Registration System
django-ajax-selects jQuery-powered auto-complete fields for ForeignKey and ManyToMany fields
django-tag-include Include tag with insert code blocks


Setting up inline forms in contrib.admin
Adding Ajax to contrib.admin inline fields
django-treebeard Efficient tree implementations for Django 1.0+
django-kong A server description and deployment testing tool for King Kong sized sites
Intro to Django/Pinax-Overview
ccnmtldjango CCNMTL's custom Paste Template for django apps
Simple search for Django using Haystack and Xapian
django-smart-selects chained and grouped selects for django forms
Grid design with Sass
Extending the Django Admin Interface
How to setup Single Sign On using RPX in Django
django-native-tags Native, Pythonic Templatetags for Django

Google App Engine:

Django on GAEで作るmixiアプリ