
Django Snippets:

hide emails with PIL - template filter
Strip Google Analytics cookies for caching middleware purposes
Improved generic foreign key manager 2
Middleware: Record ownership screener
oneliner to delete SQLite tables

Google Code:

django-youtube-syncronizer sync videos from a channel of "youtube"


Amazon RDS and Django
Pushing Django Objects To The iPhone
DjangoでアップロードしたファイルのMIME Typeを取得する方法
django-app-test-runner 0.1 Run Django app tests standalone
django-csrf 0.1 CSRF protection pre-1.2
django-ajaxcomments 0.1 Easily add AJAX-based comment functionality to a Django project.
South 0.6.2
django-model-utils 0.3.1
django-markitup 0.2.9
django-secretballot 0.2.2
django-form-utils 0.1.3
django-vcs-watch 0.2.1
django-gatekeeper 0.3.0
django-mediasync 1.0
django-simple-cart 0.1.0 Simple cart for django based shop
django-link-auth 0.1.0 Django's authentication backend to login by temporary URLs.
django-generic-images 0.35.4
django-staticblocks 0.1 use django flatpages as static page block snippets
django-gtileoverlay 1.0.0.final Create GTileOverlay images in Django for the Google Maps API
django-plist 0.2 Django app for serializing objects into Cocoa Property List XML
django-flash 1.7
django_excel_templates 0.1 Generate Excel Tables from Django
feedzilla 0.1.0 Django application for atom/rss feeds aggregation i.e. planet engine
South 0.6.2
tracregator tracregator is a trac ticket aggregator as a Django application
Sunlight Labs: Recovery.gov Augmented Reality Mashup
Simon Willison: Django 1.2 planned features
Satchmo: Satchmo 0.9 Released
How To Install Django On Mandriva 2009.1 (Apache2/mod_python)
Verificando a versão do Django
Django actions as their own intermediate page
Separating staff and user accounts in Django's admin
Django - Django-youtube-syncronizer
DJango fixtures
User authentication in Django, PyAMF and Flex3
Django tip: Showing <optgroup>s in a ModelForm
Making admin bulk delete action work with django-mptt

Google App Engine:

Task Queue Quota Increases
gae-django-cms a multi-user cms engine on GAE
memo: gaeにTinyMCE導入
Twtrapid - キーボード操作に特化したTwitterクライアント
google app engineでdev_appserver.py起動時にエラー
Google App Engine for Java で cron を使ってみた
Task Queueのクォータ拡大
Google App Engine for JavaのHttpServletResponseWrapperの注意
Google App Engine(GAE)でメールを受信する