
Google Code:

smugweb A live-editing content system backed by a Git repository.
soclone A Django-based Stack Overflow clone
whoa Whoa is a collection of simple, lightweight Django apps.
extdirect Python/Zope/Django implementation of an Ext.Direct router


Django, Feel it
django-auth-ldap 1.0b2
New, improved, now with corrections

  • django-correx A set of models and template tags for pulling in lists of content changes across applications.

Django におけるスレッド
Nested Formsets with Django
Django: Two little but yet handy for loop tricks
django-fedora A Django web UI for Fedora 3.1
django_compressor Compresses linked and inline javascript or CSS into a single cached file.
django-robots A Django app for managing robots.txt files following the robots exclusion protocol
django-honeypot Generic honeypot utilities for use in django projects.
django-google-analytics A simple django application to using Google Analytics in your project and tying different GA tags to different sites
django-db-log Exception logging to a database in Django
django-sugar Curated collection of all the sweet Django helpers/utilities developers create, and sometimes recreate too often.
django-scorm-rest-rte An experimentation for building a RESTful implementation of a Scorm 2.0 RTE with django
Django Docs Search 20090922
django-notices A message notification system for Django
Django JSON serializer reader - Ext JS Forums
django-email-confirmation simple email confirmation for the Django web framework
Django recipe: Pretty print objects and querysets
Ext.Direct remoting in Django
Django IA: Auth Password Reset
multiresponse A Python class for Django that allows a request to provide content-type aware responses.
django-webalbum A Simple Django Web-Album application
Building Oracle Database-backed Web Applications in Django
django-ratings Pluggable rating fields in Django.
django-wysiwyg A Django application for making Django textareas rich text editors.
django-basic-tumblelog Django Basic Tumblelog application

Google App Engine:

GAE писали идиоты
Google App Engine の Datastore 上で動く PStore 互換ライブラリを作ってみた (2)
[GAE][Ruby] GAE上の JRuby on Rails でログを取るには
Google App Engineの利用手順メモと独自ドメイン設定