
Django Snippets:

Integer based MoneyField
Functional selection sort
View decorator to convert DoesNotExist (ObjectDoesNotExist) exceptions into Http404 exceptions
ShrinkTheWeb Template Tag
Render arbitrary models - template tag

Google Code:

django-chatterbox A threaded discussion system using existing components.
fullhistory Django fullhistory
django-contactinfo Accept and manage international contact information in Django with ease
django-replication An heterogeneous database replication engine written using Django
django-excel-templates Django to Excel Format Generator


django-ctrl 1.1
django-view-cache-utils 0.1.1
django-sproutcore 0.7.2
django-project-templates 0.10
django-test-extensions 0.6
django-flatblocks 0.3.3
django-bpmobile 0.1 A helper application for Japanese mobile phones.
django-generic-images 0.31
django-antichaos 0.1.8
django-white-openid 0.2
django-auth-ldap 1.0b1
pbandj 0.8
django-photo-albums 0.20.2
Django CMS
Building RESTful APIs with django-piston
How To Turn Web Development Around (Part 2)
How To Turn Web Development Around (Part 3)
MongoDB & Stuff « Weblog « zerokspot.com
Adding signing (and signed cookies) to Django core
I’ve Been a Bit Busy Lately, but Here are Some Python/Django Project Updates
Looking for work?
The apps that power Django-Mingus

  • django-sugar Curated collection of all the sweet Django helpers/utilities developers create, and sometimes recreate too often.

JSON response in Django views with jQuery
Dojo Datagrid with editable cells in django
Debugando no Django
Debugando no Django com winpdb
Django + Tornado
Reusable django.wsgi and settings.py with Apache | ICANHASBLOG ?
Brandon Konkle | Django Dev, Test, and Prod Environments Revisited
django-quoteme A reusable app for quotes and testimonials.
django-agenda An event agenda application for Django 1.0+.
django-lean A framework for performing and analyzing split-test experiments in Django applications.
django-keyedcache Pulled out of satchmo so that django-testimonials can be used outside of satchmo.
django-elsewhere Edit and display links to your online social network profiles.

Google App Engine:

App Engine talks at a conference near you
GAE/J + githubでどこでもプログラミング!
ATNDユーザー毎のモテ度を取得するAPIをGoogle App Engineで作った(1)