
Google Code:

django-dynamic-media-serve dynamic media serve for django, it will be good alternative for the builtin static.serve in Django
django-emailthis A simple "email this" app for django
the-wheel-django-apps Set of simple reusable django applications and utilites
django-generic-apps A collection of generic Django apps.
django-blog-publisher Miraflores Blog Publisher for Django


Django / Python ― Dynamically Create Queries from a String and the OR operator
extdirect.django 0.2
Django + Boletos

django upload
Minimize database queries using Django’s QuerySet.extra()
Malaysia Crime
What is a reusable app? ― django-reusable-app-docs v0.1.0 documentation
Migrating Existing Django Instances From MySQL to Postgres
Custom filter on django admin
Tutorial de agregação do Django
Courant News The open source CMS designed specifically for college newspapers
PyPPP PyPPP is a python library which implements PPP (Perfect Paper Passwords)
Representing Relationships in Django Templates Without Writing Extra Code (RelatedManager and ManyRelatedManager)
django-browsecap Browsecap is a simple library for django for detecting browser type. It can detect mobile browsers and crawlers.
レシピブック - コンテストを開けるレシピサイト向けCMS

Google App Engine:

Google App Engine - Python Development (with Eclipse) - Tutorial