
Django Snippets:

EmailListField for Django

Google Code:

media-enclave A collection of web applications to manage your media.
intraorg Intranet application for small organisation. Simple CRM with contact base, internal documents repository and organisations structure representation.


Modificar la QuerySet de un ModelChoiceField dinámicamente
django-templatesadmin 0.6
django-photo-albums 0.12
Notes on migrating this blog from SQLite to PostgreSQL using Django
Django image crop and upload to S3
MashableCity MashableCity's implementation of EveryBlock for Providence
django-video A simple Video Streaming application for Django.
Easy thumbnails with Django: django-thumbs
django-contact-form-html contact form which sends html email instead of plain text ones. needed for using it with rtl languages as well.
codenode Interactive Programming Notebook for the Web Browser

Google App Engine:

app-engine-patch and custom users