
Django Snippets:

@url decorator improvements
SQL Log To Console Middleware
Manager for multiple database connections
Redirect view based on GEO
simple unique_together check with M2M field

Google Code:

django-ldap-groups django ldap groups
taxomanie Taxomanie is an open-source project which provides tools for handling tree collections using taxonomic information.


Django image crop and upload to S3
South 0.6 Release Candidate
django-generic-images 0.15a
celery 0.6.0
django-request 0.2
django-photo-albums 0.11
Manager para diferentes conexões de banco no Django
Representing hierarchical data with Django and MPTT
The DB2 adapter now supports Django 1.1
Adding django-shorturls
using jQuery for an autocomplete field
pinax-pikiwiki A Pinax/Django/Python based Wiki project. Ready to run.
Boletin - Djangoapps - Trac Boletin, a Django newsletter app
django-quotes A simple app for displaying testimonials and quotes
Django Reloaded, Workshop, Part 1
Reversing admin urls in django
“Practial Django Projects”, Custom Template Tags, and Updates on LinuxLaboratory
04/24 Satchmo Diaries: Part One
05/08 Satchmo Diaries: Part Two -- Satchmo Signals
05/12 Satchmo Diaries: Part Three - More Signals
06/12 A Simple .net Web Service Consumer in Python

Google App Engine:

[技術]GAEO de お小遣い管理(3)
[Google App Engine]タスク管理アプリを作る その1
Python SDK version 1.2.4 released.
[Java]Google App Engine for Java で、URL短縮サービスを作ってみた
Google App Engine/Java上で、DWR2を使ったSessionの管理をするには
app-engine-patchを使ってみた(GoogleAppEngine) « taichino.com