
Django Project:

Django 1.1 release candidate available

Django Snippets:

Template tags to integrate with modconcat
More readable Enumeration class for Django choices
Media RSS generation for Photologue


DRY Logging in Django
python: icalendar events in django
Разгоняем django сайт с помощью staticgenerator
Printing emails in Django
What's new in Django 1.1
django-reversion 1.1.2 An extension to the Django web framework that provides comprehensive version control facilities
djangosanetesting 0.5.6
django-lock 1.0 A protection method for Django views or complete sites.
django-flash 1.5.3
csc-utils 0.3
django-attachments 0.3
django-wakawaka 0.2
django-ctrl 0.3 An implementation of Controllers for Django.
django-autoslug 1.1.1
Macbook (OS X 10.5)にMySQL + Pythonの環境を構築する
[Entry] Djangoっぽい開発
[django]Django ドキュメント v1.0 ミラー
On "magic", once again
Everything Is an Edge Case: Lessons from Frameworks that I Applied to Django
Serving Django Static Files through Apache
Django Forms Quick Reference

Google App Engine:

Google App Engineで作るFacebookアプリケーション「The Slap」
Appengine Example: Quick Thoughts
MIME API from LittleShoot on Google App Engine