
Django Snippets:

Adding data in a transaction
Simple, stand-alone reCaptcha form module

Google Code:

django-dilla General-purpose testing tool that populates your Django models with random data.


Views, URLs, and Generic Views in Django 1.0
django-uni-form 0.5.0
wadofstuff-django-forms 1.0.0 Extended Django forms.
Improved Django FormWizard
ETag magic with Django
HOWTO: Layout Django Apps
Django – Adicionando métodos ao Admin do Django… Apenas versão em desenvolvimento!!
django-harness 1.1.8
Forms, Getting Your Money's Worth
How to PUT a file in Django
weaver A tool to automatically create fabfiles and shell scripts to help with django deploys
Deixando os comentários fluírem
Asteroid - simple app for running scripts and recording the results
Django+Eclipse with Code Complete Screencast
Facebook connect with python
Lab305 Django Facebook Connect Integration Example

Google App Engine:

[技術]GAEO de お小遣い管理(1)
[技術]GAEO de お小遣い管理(2)
google app engine pathではjQueryが組み込まれている
pyxer 0.7.2 Simple Python Framework and Templating for Paste, Google App Engine (GAE) and WSGI.
第16回 Google App Engine上でRailsを動かす
Google App Engine で動く Web サービス「予算ジェネレーター」
Google App EngineでBigTableにデータを保存