
Django Snippets:

limit view request rate decorator
Currency Object
Currency Widget
Currency Form Field
Currency DB Field
Currency Field Admin Integration
Digg-like pagination
Template tag "ifregex" and "ifnotregex"
web-key: Base64 Shared Secret for Access Control
Active / Inactive model manager


Easy Efficiency Improvements in Django
django-honeypot 0.1.2 Django honeypot field utilities
django-brainstorm 0.1 Django brainstorming site
django-counter 0.1.4 This is a general purpose page views / redirects counter for django projects.
django-roa 1.3 Turn your models into remote resources that you can access through Django's ORM.
Django に便利なツール群のインストール
django :: date filter cheat sheet
Testing Django Views for Concurrency Issues
Snippet to load stuff quickly in the Django shell
Django: Use your context
Tweaking Django auth admin
★ Django-ROA, pour une architecture orientée ressources
Introducing django-spellcorrector
Explicit Table Locking with PostgreSQL and Django
Parsing Microseconds in a Django Form
This week in LFS (22)
Seamlessly switch off (and on) a Django (or other WSGI) site for upgrades

Google App Engine:

Google App Engine for JAVAのアップロードの続き(3)