Google App Engine


Django Snippets:Get admin url for a model print SQL statements Audit word filter custom template tag sample Access Control Mechanisms with mod_wsgi Google Code:djgoogle A collection of django components for google's gdata Blog:Presenting d…


Google Code:django-voice A simple user feedback application for your Django project django-http-status Library of named HttpResponse objects for Django django-wallet Pluggable bank account model supporting withdraws and deposits Blog:Typek…


Django Project:Django 1.2 beta 1 released Google Code:django-timemachine Control your server's time with this drop-in replacement for python's datetime module. Blog:Django のオブジェクトのシリアライゼーション The role of designers in the D…


Django Snippets:Drop all tables in MySQL database Google Code:django-ticket a django-specific, database-backed queue service with support for idempotency Blog:django-oraclepool 0.3 django-css 2.2 django-debug 0.1.0 django-twitterauth Djang…


Django Snippets:Reliably create a Django File using the contents of a URL Model Choices Helper Decorator for printing unit test name Unzip a .zip file uploaded with FileBrowser register.tag as a class decorator Forcing Right-Hand Rule (Cou…


Django Snippets:jQuery Double Click Edit ManyToMany in Admin Anticollate? Disinterleave? showing environment variables in the django admin Updated Filter to resize a ImageField on demand (ver.2) decorators for creating paramaterized decora…


Django Snippets:AutoSlugField and unique_slugify combined Form field sets Blog:Pingdjack django-treemenus 0.8.5 django-oauth-twitter 1.4 django-digest 1.3 django-smuggler 0.1.1-final Testing your first Django app Django Dose Community Catc…


Django Snippets:router view Blog:Benchmark of django deployment techniques Setting up a web service with Django and SOAP Fully Polymorphic Django Models Evaluating Django Caching Options Install GeoDjango on Fedora Linux "Adding" Q objects…


Django Snippets:DebugMiddleware footer with links to quick open file/line# in TextMate on local machine Read settings from Auto-create Django admin user during syncdb Blog:django-request 0.21 django-plist 0.5…


Google Code:rollyourown Roll Your Own series of Django subframeworks gitology Git based blog/wiki system using DJango skadoosh A management system written in django for small / medium businesses which can be used as is, or as individual mo…


Django Snippets:Digest authentication for Piston Support alternative authentication mechanisms with Piston Blog:[Django][Mobile]style=”display:none”にするとauはフォームの値を送信しない Django render_to_response Django polymorphism: Mixins …


Django Snippets:Amazon S3 browser-based upload form HibernateBooleanField Blog:django-logdb 0.9.5 lfc-theme 1.0a2 django-lfc 1.0a2 lfc-blog 1.0a2 django-storages django-mingus A complete blog engine using django in 60 minutes django-regist…


Django Snippets:Simple file size from bytes to kb/mb/gb Username filled automatically with id Blog:Migrating to Django Mingus Extension point for model django-pagehelp 1.0.3 django-sphinx 2.1.5 django-digest 1.2 emencia.django.links 0.2.2 …


Django Snippets:email backend which use sendmail subprocess Web crawler/bot detection and blocking middleware Blog:Django 1.2 Alpha – Template Threading Tools of Pro Django developer – aka What powers dinette and almost every app we write.…


Blog:django-plus 1.1.45-stable django-page-cms 1.1.0 cmsplugin-filer 0.0.3a django-filer 0.1.3a Djalog 0.9.0.stable Basic Authentication on mod_wsgi Django Documentation iPhone app updated Screencast: Installing Pinax on Windows Django tip…


Django Snippets:Support IP ranges in INTERNAL_IPS Form and FormSet that are defined dynamically with request-data Blog:Installing Open Source GIS Tools on Ubuntu Karmic Koala Working With Taxonomy Trees using Django and jQuery django-conta…


Django Snippets:Decorate Template Tag (In-Line include and extend with local context) OrderField Google Code:django-rest Simply REST for Django Blog:Extension point for model Django Dose Tracking Trunk - Episode #7: 12/15/2012 The power of…


Django Snippets:Override QuerySet.delete() (one way of preventing cascading deletes) ached decorator for functions Dynamic Test Loading Extended db cache backend with 'filter() / LIKE' support Choices AntiSpamModelForm "Save and Continue" …


Django Snippets:Model Hooks Google Code:twitter-follow Find out if a twitter user is following another twitter user Blog:django-roa 1.5 django-json-rpc 0.5.1 pbandj 1.0.0 django-dajax 0.8.1 django-dajaxice 0.1.0 django-forum Debugging Djan…


Google Code:django-reviews Generic review application for django projects django-flatemails Django Flatemail System to allow for manageable email templating Blog:Django 1.2a1 has a message for you « Weblog « Django 1.2 alpha …


Django Project:Django 1.2 alpha 1 released Django Snippets:Anonymous required decorator Blog:Better Local Settings django-slimmer 0.0.1 Html compression as middleware and view decorators django-oauth-twitter 1.1 django-pingback 0.2 django …


Blog:dutils 0.0.1 Useful django utilities el-django-compress 1.0.2 django-socialregistration 0.2 django-publicmanager 0.9.0 django-grappelli 2.0 django-filebrowser 3.0 django-common 0.1.5 django-urlauth 0.1.0 django-feedburner 0.9.0 google…


Google Code:django-compress A Django application that automates CSS/JavaScript compression and helps in making delivery of static media more efficient django-forecast Gets weather information from and displays the forecast. Blo…


Django Snippets:simplified render_to_response with RequestContext jinja2 csrf_token extension multiple image upload with formset example Google Code:django-transmeta Model translation for Django django-translate Translate your django model…


Django Snippets:Button Admin Make hyperlinks for labels of raw_id_fields (jQuery) integrated jinja2 which could use generic view ,my Use email addresses for user name for django 1.0+ Blog:Apache2 worker threading, php and d…


Google Code:django-syntax-highlight Easy integration of Pygments in Django projects. Blog:django-generic-images 0.36.1 integrated project management for development A Custom json Emitter for Django django_cropper Integration of jCrop with …


Django Snippets:Improved Multiple Model Files a simple tag with context fast table flush without raw SQL Encoding datetime for JSON consumers like YUI Blog:Django | Multiple Databases New localization system already in trunk Script Python …


Google Code:django-bloom Mobile web made dead simple in everyone's favourite framework. Blog:Django Desktop change to mod_python for mod_wsgi. django-http-proxy 0.3.1 django-richtemplates 0.1.6.beta Djalog 0.8.4.beta RESTful Web apps with …


Blog:Djalog 0.8.2.beta The Pinax Tutorial #4: Using avatars, pagination and profiles Satchmo: First Satchmo Sprint SproutCore, Todos, Django, and Comet in < 100 Lines of Code django-nomadblog Satchmo, Django and all that jazz | Inside the …


Google Code:django-firebird Firebird database backend for Django Blog:django-static 1.2.2 typepadapp-moderation 1.0.2 typepad-motion 1.1.1 typepadapp 1.1.1 django-jython 1.1.0 Nicer dynamic forms in django Django: Model Inheritance or Rela…