

Google Code:db-dump Database data dump and restore tool can be used in Django project djangoblog create a blog with django Blog:django-navbar 0.2.0 johnny-cache 0.2 django-static 1.3.2 django-rbac 0.9 django-nomadblog 0.3 django-keyedcache…


Google Code:django-ray Django template editor Blog:Custom Fields on South 0.7 A Borg Shared Cache class for Python/Django HttpRequestのあれこれ django-workflows 1.0a3 django-permissions 1.0a3 django-picklefield 0.1.4 django-oauth-t…


Django Snippets:Generate Model Data. Lots of Options. Security: Sideband information cover traffic middleware RML2PDF with Django Blog:Announcing django-relationships Fabric recipe: Delete pyc files before runserver starts More Django Proj…


Django Snippets:ModelChoiceField with optiongroups Blog:django-weave 0.1.4.svn78 django-multilingual-ng 0.1.20 django-bookmarker 0.1.0 The awesomest way possible to serve your static stuff in Django with Nginx django-static Nifty Urls - A …


Django Project:Django 1.2 release schedule - Update 2 Google Code:django-reversion Version control for Django models django-tinymce-flickr TinyMce plugin to insert Flickr photos into your content django-plus A set of tools that adds power …


Django Snippets:ImageField with specified maximum image size Better Static Image Serving With Fallback Blog:lfc-theme 1.0a7 django-lfc 1.0a7 django-permissions 1.0a2 django-workflows 1.0a2 django-render-load 0.0dev django-weave 0.1.3.SVN-6…


Django Snippets:Output sql_queries in Firebug console when in debug mode django-admin custom filter: IS NULL/IS NOT NULL Subdirectory and subcontext include template tag with examples Template tag which gets specific GET variables from the…


Django Snippets:IPAddressField with CIDR support Google Code:django-todo django-chronograph django-syncr django-pagelets django-social-economics django-scrum Blog:django-tools 0.7.0beta django-navtree 0.1.0alpha django-templatehooks 0.1.1 …


Django Project:Django 1.2 release schedule - Update 1 Django Snippets:Dynamically maintain from South migration Multiple emails form field FloatField with safe expression parsing login on activation with django-registrat…


Blog:django-flashpolicies 1.4.1 django-autoslug 1.4.0 Satchmo 0.9-0 django-auth-ldap 1.0.1 django-durationfield 0.2.0 django-workflows 1.0a1 django-olwidget 0.1 django-pluto 0.1 django-viewtools 0.1 django-projector 0.1.4.beta django-richt…


Django Snippets:Rendering radio-buttons with icons instead of labels Blog:django-expire 1.0.1 django-jqueryautocomplete 0.3 django-permissions 1.0a1 django-simple-captcha 0.1.6 django-mongokit 0.1.7 Human readable datetimes in python's dja…


Django Project:Django 1.2 release schedule Blog:λ^2: safely doing class based views in Django django-mongokit 0.1.6 django-common 0.1.7 django-filter 0.5.3 django-adminfiles 0.5.0 django-expire 1.0-alpha-1 django-github 0.1 django-jqueryau…


Django Snippets:Complex Formsets, Redux Blog:Piston And Sanitising Json Callbacks CSVファイルダウンロードをちょっとだけ汎用に OAuthを簡単に利用するためのツールoauthlibを書いた django-disqus 0.3 django-selector 0.2 django-jqueryautocomplete…


Google Code:django-crm Open source Django CRM ponyfolio simple portfolio webpage with django. django-webdeveloper-portfolio A Django portfolio site for web developers with CMS, blog and portfolio Blog:django-build 0.3 django-chronograph sv…


Django Snippets:SerializedObjectField SearchableManager Shortcuts to your code organized by type (views, models, admin, ...) Blog:[python][django] useraccount_for_subdomain 的なもの django-fixture-magic: Testing issues with real data. djan…


Django Snippets:DRY template rendering decorator update Blog:[python][django] djangoで複数DBを扱う huDjango 0.89p2 eav-django 1.0.2 Small Things Best practices in web development with Python and Django « News Apps Blog Django Signals: Be l…


Django Snippets:Memory efficient Django Queryset Iterator External service Test Client Blog:django-endless-pagination 0.4 django-logdb 0.9.9 django-irs 0.1 django_bshell 1.0 Mobile App on Subdomain with Django Django Recipe: Throw 404 erro…


Google Code:django-polymorphic-models Polymorphic Models for Django Blog:Django のレスポンスを PDF で os.path en el de Django para mayor comodidad django-debug-toolbar 0.8.3 django-reversion 1.2.1 django-geoportail 0.2.1 django…


Django Snippets:Log username in Apache access logs Set language via HTTP GET Parameter Google Code:django-belleville Yet Another Django Blogging Framework Blog:Django 1.2 からのマルチデーターベース django-plus 1.1.55-stable django-geoporta…


Django Snippets:localsettings Test if sessions are working Google Code:django-ckeditor-filemanager A Django Base Package which includes the new CKEditor and a FREE hot looking alternative to CKFinder template2pdf Modules to render tRML tem…


Django Snippets:jstree in change_list for mptt models TaggedManager and TaggedQuerySet with chainable tagged() methods implemented with django-tagging Type checking templatetag filters Yet Another Image Resizer Google Code:map-of-innovatio…


Django Snippets:Add a button to the top of the admin change form Template Tag Render Decorator Formset Form Admin App/Model Custom Ordering Multipart Templated Email Google Code:django-defensio Django Defension integration django-memorize …


Django Snippets:aino-convert - Magick for Django Blog:aino-convert django_compressor 0.5.2 django-token-auth 0.3.1a3 django-dajax 0.8.3 django-dajaxice 0.1.2 django-durationfield 0.1.1 django-addons 0.1 PortableApps and XAMPP Pyjam…


Django Snippets:Python Google Translate AJAX module Blog:django-honeypot 0.3.0 django-gitcms 0.2 django-compositepk 1.0 django-multilingual-ng 0.1.0b11 django-tagging-ext 0.2.0 django-lean 0.2 django-xsendfile 1.0 django-plus 1.1.52-stable…


Django Snippets:send_mail wrapper with DEBUG email trapping Multiple querysets Google Code:django-simple-newsletter An extremely simple, yet highly customizable Django Newsletter django-xmpp Django web client menssage using a XMPP protocol…


Django Snippets:Accurate Timing MultiField & MultiWidget (w. milliseconds) Admin actions as buttons instead of a menu Google Code:django-ray Django template editor Blog:Django: Using The Permission System Monitor Multiple Remote Files Usin…


Google Code:django-versioning Django object versioning django-ical Django application for manipulating iCal Blog:django template repl django-template-repl 0.3.0 django-generic-confirmation 0.2.0 History of Model Validation Serving static f…


Django Snippets:DRY template rendering decorator Blog:Loading Templates Based on Request Headers in Django Early registration for my Advanced Django class ends soon Django ― Edit Foreign Keys Directly In Place Django ― Extension of ModelAd…


Django Snippets:mkrange - create a range() inside a template RedirectedURLField Possessive-aware unicode for models Blog:django-devserver 0.0.1 django-threaded-multihost 1.3-3 Djblets 0.5.7 Fumblerooski and Raw SQL in Django Stupid simple …


Django Snippets:View decorator providing confirmation dialog favicon Template Tag AntiSpamForm Google Code:django-forms-builder Allow Django Admin users to create their own forms Blog:django-harness 1.2.0 django-lfc 1.0a6 lfc-theme 1.0a6 l…