
Django Snippets:


Google Code:

django-pycaptcha Integrate captchas from the pycaptcha lib to your django forms


django-varnish 0.1 Integration between Django and the Varnish HTTP accelerator using the management port using telnet
django-math-captcha 0.1 Simple, secure math captcha for django forms
Fixing Django Management Commands
django-lean A framework for performing and analyzing split-test experiments in Django applications.
mvt Django Most Valuable Test is an app for A/B tests, aka Split test.
django-annoying This is django application that try to eliminate annoying things in Django framework.
django-taggit Simple tagging for django
Tagzania – Postgis – GeoDjango – Nearest Neighbours Distance (I)
Tagzania – Postgis – GeoDjango – Nearest Neighbours Distance (II)
Tagzania – Postgis – GeoDjango – Nearest Neighbours Distance (III)