
Django Snippets:

Stacked/Grouped Forms 2
language switcher in admin

Google Code:

django-newsroom A set of tools for multimedia publishing.
django-bookmarks bookmark management for the Django web framework
djalog Simplest Django-ready logger out there


Django Syslog Middleware
Setup a favicon.ico in Django
Eating your own dogfood
How to Log Something
Correct way to handle mobile browsers
Develop in Django+Python, deploy in Java.
Django-Jython 1.0.0 released!
django-db-log 1.2.0
django-cms 2.0.0.RC3
ghettoq 0.1.1
emencia.django.newsletter 0.1
django-autoslug 1.3.4
Djalog 0.8.1.beta
Properly sending contact form emails and how to do it in Django
django-treedata: A web app for municipal tree tracking
When you play outside of django's ORM ... you get pain!
django-social-bookmarking An eggified model based BSD licensed social booking app for Django
Getting Distinct Rows Using Django Database Layer
Django-RefDB ― Django-RefDB v0.1 documentation
yaco - Trac
Automatically resizing images with Django
django-routines A collection of small but often usefull tags, decorators and middlware for day to day django tasks.
django-rsvp A simple RSVP app.
django-generics a library for generic base classes
django-plugins A generic plugin system for django.
lithium A set of applications for writing a Django website's, it includes a blog, a wiki, and many other useful applications.
scofield-project Django pluggable ecommerce app