
Django Snippets:

base64 encoding/decoding property for storing binary data in Django TextFields.

Google Code:

dregni A basic event management application for Django
django-miles Shortcuts and useful snippets for django
django-dilla General-purpose testing tool that populates your Django models with random data.
zamtools-news Django application for generating a simple news feed.
sqlany-django SQL Anywhere Database Backend for Django
django-lineup Django queue system for handling heavy background processing
django-reporting Django Reporting System
greatlemers-django-tools A collection of tools/apps for django. Includes a comprehensive menu system.
Django: Render A XML File
django-survey A simple extensible survey application for django sites
django-gaccount Using google account for your site


"Adding" Q objects in Django
django-flash 1.5.1
django-form-utils 0.1.1
django-markitup 0.2.3
This week in LFS (26)
Forms, Getting Your Money's Worth
Django applications
Пишем Блог на Django
Python i Django: Szybkie i łatwe tworzenie aplikacji webowych (2009-Mar-07)
Database template loader for Django
dPhoto Intend of this project is to create simple and fully configurable web gallery in Django.
How to authenticate user by email instead of username? (django)
Named Scopes for Django