
Google Code:

django-messages A Django application handling private messages between users.
django-tracking Determine how many active users you have on your site.
transfr Simple web-based file sharing application made with Django and jQuery
happyhome A housemate management application
publicode Pastebin written in Python, Django and Pygments
djangocrm Django based CRM
organisation organisation is a open source social network site
vpython Python API to access vkontakte.ru web services
django-twitterly Twitter status on your django site.
django-s3sync Django S3 media syncing utility
django-recipes A Recipes Website in Django
ciscovlanmanager Cisco configuration management
loaning-logging Loaning, Logging and Inventory system
django-iptocountry Transforms IP Address to Country
baudlr A Web 2.0 service for poetry
django-gtdteams Team-oriented GTD
prettypony Django for designers.
django-basic-apps-quickstart Quickstart application for django-basic-apps
django-issues An issue tracker application for use in the Django web framework.
django-smtpd django-smtpd allows you to handle email messages just like Django processes HTTP requests.
memesite Python/Django exploration project
pentester PenTester - automatic security vulnerability network scanner with GUI.
k7221prj Учебный проект группы к7221 мифи'07
serpantin Small ERP application built with Django and Dojo


Geraldo Reports - site oficial
Django Conventions Project Update
Testing time-based views in Django
Content Linking Tag For Django Templates
Satchmo on Ubuntu
Serving Up User Contributed Media From A Separate Server
Edit textarea with Vi in any browser Vi
Django and Spawning