
Django Project:

Django 1.0.2 released

Django Snippets:

Basic CouchDB Paginator (Updated)
Example usage of SimpleCouchPaginator
CheckBoxField and MultipleCheckBoxField
django simple search
Safer cache key generation
Pygments Syntax highlighting template tag

Google Code:

deseb Django External Schema Evolution Branch


[django]Django 勉強会 Disc.6(2009/01/15)
Django 勉強会 Disc.6やります
Customizing The Admin: Part 1
Customizing The Admin: Part 2
Customizing The Admin: Part 3
Django comments for authenticated users
Testing Emails with Django
Quick and dirty "what I'm reading" plugin
Custom fields and widgets for Django forms
Django External Schema Evolution Branch
Quick review of 20 Django blogs.
My changes in the django-openid
django: using threading to speed up send_mail
Django ― Quick Note From IRC: Model Instance to Dictionary model_to_dict
Gentlemans agreement on Django templates
Django Aggregator v2 now has tagging, and you should too.
Rails-like MVC Controllers for Django
feedparserで、media コンテンツを取る
Threaded Comment基本完成
[Django]MacPorts で Django1.0.x
[Python][Django] Djangoのテンプレートエンジンを使ってcsvデータをフォーマットして出力する
Formulari compost a Django
This Week in Django 45
Yahoo OpenID на Cicero
[python][django] 管理ページを使わずにFlatPageを更新する